Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I got mad when I got in my car and remembered that my radio isn't working. I wanted to kick something when my computer wouldn't connect to the internet. Today I looked at my closet and wished I had more clothes to choose from. Today I looked in the mirror and wished my hair didn't do weird things. Today I told my dad I wished I didn't have to live paycheck to paycheck.

Today I wore one of my several coats to keep me warm. Today I got in my car and drove wherever I needed to go. Today I ate. Today I drank clean water. Today I took a hot shower. Today I went from one heated building to another. Today I sat on my own bed, in my own room. Today I thought of Haiti, and wondered why them and not me?

Today I remembered that I have more than I could ever want physically, and more than I can ever imagine spiritually. Today I am humbled, because I have so much to give yet have acted like I am entitled to this and more. Today I ask God to change me.