Friday, September 18, 2009

Concerning the Title

So my blog is named From the Southwest to the Midwest, because I moved from the Southwest (soCAL) to the Midwest (Indianapolis) for grad school. Everyone in California told me it would be a big change. "Oh, boy" they say "you're gonna have a culture shock!" Well, I've been here for almost 4 weeks now, and no such culture shock has occurred. Granted, there are differences here, but that's all for another post. First, let me back up to the beginning of the adventure, which began one month ago tomorrow.

One month ago tomorrow, I got in my new to me car (given to me by my very generous sister), picked up my best friend Leah who so graciously agreed to road trip with me out to Indy, drove through the Starbucks Drive-thru on San Fernando for perhaps the last time, and started driving East. Now Leah and I had a 4 day trip ahead of us. If you ever have to spend over 30 hours in a car with someone, may I suggest doing it with Leah? Even after hours upon hours spent together in a confined space, (with no a.c. I might also add) she has a real knack for not being annoying. I mean can you imagine that? This was exactly opposite of what I expected. I mean, you spend that much time with somebody, in those conditions, and you are just asking for at least a few confrontational moments. My plan was, I would be so irritated with Leah by the end of our trip, that it wouldn't be nearly as hard saying goodbye to her when the time came. No such luck. The girl not only didn't get on my nerves in the slightest, she made me laugh at all times, excluding the times we were baring our souls to one another (literally, we were reading each other's journals... now that's intense). She also was really good at pretending like I wasn't getting on her nerves. So all that to say, the roadtrip was successful (or unsuccesful as far as my plan goes). On the way, we stayed with my family in Phoenix which is always a treat, and got to see a dear friend of both of ours in Tulsa. I can't speak for Leah, but I for one, thought the road trip was a blast.

Thankfully the roadtrip wasn't the end of our sweet time together. Upon arriving in Indy, Leah stayed with me an extra week. She was there with me looking for apartments, job-hunting, putting my life together, etc. What a friend, I tell ya! So, in that short week I had with Leah, I found a job (hostess at Uno's Chicago Grille) and almost found an apartment... didn't follow through with it at the last minute, but it worked out for the better. Because class had not officially started yet, Leah and I also took that time as an opportunity to get acquainted with my new home town. We went shopping, saw movies, ate out at fun restaurants, and just an all- around great time. Honestly, the Lord worked out this situation perfectly. It was going to be hard saying goodbye to Leah no matter what, but having her with me during my first week in Indy was a priceless gift.

So, when Leah had to go back to CA a week later, it was to say the least, very difficult. Somehow I didn't cry at the airport. But I definitely cried later. All day long as a matter of fact. I cried in my room, in my car, in front of poor Frank, the guy who I almost rented an apartment from. By God's grace I was able to hold it together at work, but it was a very weepy day for me. I knew it would be hard, but the roadtrip being such a success (or unsuccess) made it that much harder. It was at this point where things began to really sink in. As I was going through all of the motions of moving and settling in, it still felt like I was just a visitor as long as Leah was with me. I felt like we were two tourists exploring the city. Yet when she left, I knew that this was not the case. I am here for the next two years, and I am pretty much starting completely over. I don't have the security of my best friend, or family that I have grown so accustomed to in life. Even with other big changes I have made in the past, I have always had some familiarity that helped me in my adjustment. This time I do not. However, I am so thankful for that fact. I wanted to come out here not just to become a better musician, though that's a big part of it. I came out here because I want to grow. Here I have no security blanket, no crutch. I have God. I want this very unique time in my life to be profitable as I learn what it means to truly trust God and depend on Him, because I really don't have any other options. I pray God uses this in my life to be a very formative experience spiritually.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to Leah! You are a very good writer. Maybe my 3 daughters should collaborate on a book and that will become a movie and I can pick someone to portray me! (don't have a clue who that would be)

  2. P.S. I am so proud of you for wanting to rely on God and grow in your relationship with Him. I am also impressed by your courage!

  3. Mom, you would be portrayed by Angelina Jolie.
